The First 100 Days of a presidency are critical to instilling confidence and stabilizing a nation in crisis. Many similarities have already been drawn between the challenges facing President Barack Obama and Franklin Delano Roosevelt during their first 100 days in office. FDR proposed the “New Deal” and is said to have sent Congress a record number of bills to pass. Both president’s share ideologies on their tactical technique.
Moderating this discussion for the Freedom Museum is Journalist Deborah Douglas. Our distinguished group of panelist’s includes: author Richard Thompson Ford, Lake Forest College professors Carrie Nordlund and Siobhan Moroney, and our very own Resident Scholar Shawn Healy. Join us for an engaging discussion about President Obama’s first 100 days in office, and its significance to the economy and our role in the world. This program is being presented in partnership with the McCormick Freedom Museum and Lake Forest College.
Reservations required online or call 773-947-0600 ×238. Call 312-222-7871 for more information.